Art of Reggae
Home Topic Is anyone else having trouble accessing the courses?

ONLINE REGGAE KEYBOARD & GUITAR LESSONS Forums WELCOME TO THE ART OF REGGAE COMMUNITY! Is anyone else having trouble accessing the courses?

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    Aaron Hice

    I signed up last night and can access everything except the courses. I can access the intro videos, the practice loops, the curated playlists and the community (obviously) but I get a message saying that I am “unauthorized to view this page” whenever I am logged in and click on “Keyboard Courses”. I have tried different devices, I have tried logging out and logging back in, different browsers and nothing seems to work. I sent an e-mail to “support” but have not heard back. Has anyone else had this issue? Is there a setting somewhere or something? I did watch all of the introductory videos but that did not “unlock” the other course videos. Any help or ideas would be appreciated.

    Matt Jenson

    Hi Aaron,

    Sorry for the late reply. One other member has had the same issue and TODAY 12/27/22 I’m working with my back end tech support to resolve this issue. I see you sent me an email as well. I’ll respond to that now!


    Aaron Hice

    Thanks Matt! I am really excited to start working through the course material. Also – I appreciate the prompt response.

    Carey McKinley

    Hi Aaron,
    I’m new to the site and am starting with basic theory. I clicked through everything and have access to it all including the courses.
    Maybe it’s a cookies issues…? idk. Did you try clearing your cache?
    I hope it gets fixed soon, cuz it’s a pretty rad site.

    Aaron Hice

    Thanks for the tip about the cookies. Loooks like they fixed it on the back end, or whatever error was occurring on my end resolved. I can see the courses now so ready to dive in and get going!

    Matt Jenson

    Aaaron! This issue should be fixed! Please let me know that everything’s good on your end.

    Aaron Hice

    Yeah buddy! Everything is working great. I’ve gone through the piano basics and starting on the reggae piano course. The basics was a lot of review but I need to learn and practice two octave fingering for my scales and master all of the inversions. One question – Is there any way to order Art of Reggae stickers or T shirts?

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