Art of Reggae is the only reggae-focused education to be found online. Matt Jenson’s step by step approach on this website can be done at the speed necessary for individual students from beginner to seasoned pro. As a trombonist with a home studio and very little keyboard or guitar technique, I found I needed to better understand and learn how to play keyboard and guitar riddims to produce and perform my own compositions and cover versions. Playing these riddims is much better and more fluid than relying on loops. Art of Reggae was the key that opened a door for me to do this myself, as well as to understand what the pros are doing. Art of Reggae is a great tool and a really good value. It has made me a better musician, producer and listener.

The Art of Reggae site is incredible. I was blown away when I saw how packed this platform is with instruction and information about playing reggae. I’m a beginning piano player, but there’s a ton of material that’s perfect for my level, and I’m already making some cool progress. I also play guitar, and have been having a blast with the Tuff Lion course and other videos for guitarists. The practice play along loops are indispensable for the learning process and so much fun to jam along too. Both Matt and Tuff are really good at breaking down all of the nuances in a really clear way. These courses are well made, and I highly recommend them to anyone, no matter what your level is. It’s also just a great way to learn about music, period.

I started working with Matt Jenson 2020, taking private lessons learning to play reggae keyboarding. I am actually a drummer by trade and play various local band reggae bands in salt lake. But when Matt showed me the art of reggae project. I was hooked and volunteered as beta tester. Man, this website blew my mind and gave me the ability to practice at my pace. Matt was very informative and insightful into the world reggae keyboarding. I am looking forward to what else the art of reggae will produce.

Youtube Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
As a student at a music college (and someone who has been playing for 35 years), I wish more people taught like this. This is the most right on, prefect lesson I’ve ever seen. Listening to him one can tell the he is extremely knowledgeable in theory, and music in general, and his way of explaining is what most music teachers strive for. Well done my friend. Absolutely fantastic!

Youtube Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
Learning and practicing this has improved all my rhythm guitar playing more than I thought possible. Thanks Tuff! Art of Reggae yes very much so. The nuances of the rhythm and technique here, the way Tuff explains them and pushing my boundaries in practicing these rhythms have helped me increase my control and precision with all my rhythm playing to a really significant extent as well as giving me much better insight into reggae style guitar.

Youtube Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
I am now a great fan of this man and his outstanding and remarkable teaching. I am blown away by his professionalism and humility.

Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
You learn to play guitar all your life and then this man comes along and is so easy about his skills. I’m a country boy, but I appreciate mastery when I come upon it, and bow to the teacher. Hopefully I will acquire a few of the simplest chops and go on from there. I couldn’t ask for a better teacher.

Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
Amazing lesson, one that should take a lifetime to absorb and explore. Tuff Lion’s feel, my gosh, it is epic. As a player, I thank you, for once again showing that the art of rhythm guitar is as important (if not more so) than lead guitar playing.

Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
Rootical and medicinal music of NattyDread. Blessings and One love I-ya from Morocco.

Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
One man sends one signal, and billions create songs in their mind while observing this precious film. If this man only knew how much love he is earning. If there was a love button , the paint would be off!!! I just want to add my voice here – as a bassist, this right here is pure heavenly musical genius! What a fantastic , beautiful & spiritual tutorial! This to me is the music of life, and Tuff Lion is clearly a master at creating the good vibrations.

Fan Comment for Tuff Lion
“Very serious artform.” Yes!! Reggae and blues are seen as “simple” because they generally follow a basic mathematical pattern. Any semi-competent player can do it – but few can do it authentically. It’s not about technical skill so much as it’s about feel.