Keyboard Courses – preview 1-2 minutes of all lessons
PREVIEW PIANO COURSE 1 – BASIC THEORY (7 lessons) For beginning level players with little experience on the piano. Very good for all instrumentalists. By the end you’ll be playing reggae!
PREVIEW PIANO COURSE 2 – THE ROLE OF THE PIANO IN REGGAE MUSIC (6 lessons) This course focuses on all aspects of rhythm piano playing. Most of the lessons concentrate on the various subtitles of playing the chop.
PREVEIW ORGAN COURSE 1 – THE ROLE OF THE ORGAN IN REGGAE MUSIC (8 lessons) This course focusses on all aspects of rhythm organ playing with examples on a real Hammond organ and on digital keyboards. Most of the lessons concentrate on the various subtitles of playing the bubble (also known as the shuffle).
Keyboard One Shots – 1-2 minute previews of some of the one shots
More are constantly being added. These are but a few of them.
Learn how to maintain a strong chop or bubble in the left hand while the right hand can play anything against it, such as horn lines or lead lines.
Learn how to play reverb slams and how to use delay (echo) for dub effects in real time.
Explanation of what the dubwize/riddim break-down is and the role of the keyboard in it.
A simple way to thicken your chop sound with a keyboard split and layer.